Thursday, September 10, 2009

Oh! Cali??

This blog post is dedicated to the memory of Biggie and his song "going back to cali". if you haven't heard it, youtube it or something. its a good song.

I decided on something the other day. I want to put as the title of each post on here the name of a song relevant to the post.

As you can infer from the title, today, I am going to California. We meet up as a group today, have orientation tomorrow, then leave tomorrow evening for Vanuatu. I believe we lose a day during the trip because of time differences. That's cool because technically I will finally be a day older. That has the makings of a riddle. Twin brothers born 2 minutes apart, yet one is a day is that possible?

I'm saying my last goodbyes to my family and friends. My area always changes whenever I go back to school and come back for the holidays, and I am very curious what two years will do to it.

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